Tuesday 20 March 2018

How to make anal beads more fun than ever before?

Anal beads are an incredible way to enjoy anal sex. They offer a great amount of utility because you can use them without a partner or along with a partner. Moreover, they come in so much variety that you can easily create a good collection of the same. If you haven’t tried these beads then you should begin immediately. That is so because you’re missing out on a greatly pleasing experience.

Different positions and different beads
The best method to increase enjoyment with these beads is to try different positions. You can switch the pace as well, to have a completely different sensation. For more variety and fun, you can choose to have a number of different beads. This way, you can be certain of having a unique experience each time you choose to play with them.

Use them with a partner for more fun
Another great thing you can choose to do is to use them on your partner. When you’re using them on your partner, the fun element increases because you’re the controller of everything. You can easily take part in this enjoyable and fun activity.

The secret step:
The most important thing to do while using these beads is to apply lube. And you shouldn’t hesitate in applying a great quantity of lube. That area doesn’t lubricate itself so applying a good amount of lube is necessary. Lubrication will remove any kind of discomfort you might feel.

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