Tuesday 6 February 2018

How To Use Anal Beads?

Anal beads are much popular in the sex toy market. They are amazingly impressive because of their unique shape and employment. If you have not used them before and are planning on using them, be sure to read the following tips. That is so because the muscles of anus do not get such feels often. Moreover, you can damage the tissues present in your rectum quite easily because of careless application. You would not want turn a pleasing experience into a painful event. Just remember to keep the following points in mind:

Lubes are good:
Lubes can help you very much in overcoming any sorts of problems and issues. They keep the experience smooth and whenever you indulge in anal sex, use the lubes because your anus is not accustomed to such application. The best kind of lube for your beads would be water based because others are not that good.

Try it first:
You should put it in your anus first and check the comfort level. If you will let your partner do that, it could lead to some troubel. When you will know that it is good, you will have no difficulty whatsoever in the future use.

Put it in slowly:
Rapid movements would only put your delicate rectum at risk. You should take things slowly and let the muscles feel every touch properly. It will help you achieve optimum pleasure with ease. Using a condom with your beads will depend on the size, type and material only.

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